Resources & News
SwissDRG – opportunities and risks for Swiss hospitals
The SwissDRG remuneration system is intended to take account of the varying degrees of severity of individual diagnoses and procedures. However, the remuneration system does not take into account the respective cost structures and expenses of the hospital for a...
How can the Swiss healthcare system hold its own in an increasingly international environment? Competitive abroad?
The trends of recent years show that the healthcare system is becoming increasingly international. The Swiss hospital sector is faced with facts such as rising healthcare costs, quality controls and patients who seek treatment abroad at low cost. In order to remain...
Strategic opportunities thanks to ehealth: New offers, new competitors
Thanks to the strong presence of several leading international pharmaceutical and medtech companies in Switzerland, the areas of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, oncology, orthopaedics, dentistry, etc. are particularly suitable for specific solutions. Cooperation...
Radical remix: Accelerating dynamics in healthcare systems challenge existing business models
Operational excellence initiatives tackle the costs in order to counteract the decreasing top-line business. However, the acclerating dynamics of healthcare systems – driven by reforms particularly related to market access and reimbursement – challenges existing...
Back to the future: E-health growth prospects in Switzerland too
In recent years, the Internet has played a subordinate role in the healthcare sector. However, thanks to Web 2.0, e-health is on the rise again and also offers scope for new, innovative projects in Switzerland. The market potential is correspondingly large, with...
Pharma at the crossroads: Choosing directions in a transforming healthcare world
For some time now, pharmaceutical managers have been preparing for the "perfect storm". While some have re-evaluated their business models, others have implemented new market access programs or reduced costs. Although all of these measures can be considered important...
New Dimensions for New Business Models: How can pharmaceutical companies hold their own in the face of constant upheaval?
The European healthcare industry faces a multitude of challenges. Demographic changes and medical innovations are driving up the overall demand and expenditure. Because of the resultant decrease in financial leeway, the public sector is retreating as the main provider...
Tailor made: Marketers need to personalize the message to maximise online opportunities
Healthcare stakeholders are online and marketers must develop new skills to keep up. Online detailing is demonstrating high ROI in Europe and managing and measuring online share of voice is a key success factor. Yet few companies have seriously experimented with...
Marketing the quality of life: An international patient survey demonstrates how a new tool could better assess QoL
Searching for the phrase ‘quality of life’ (QoL) on generates up to 150 hits, most of which reference new medicines that have been designed to improve patients’ physical and mental wellbeing. These innovative products are appreciated by patients, who count...
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Almasan AG
The right support for the pharma/ biotech, medtech/ diagnostics, life sciences and healthcare sectors at the right time in the right way: Advisory, Interim Management and Contracting/ Outsourcing.