Thanks to the strong presence of several leading international pharmaceutical and medtech companies in Switzerland, the areas of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, oncology, orthopaedics, dentistry, etc. are particularly suitable for specific solutions. Cooperation with competent, complementary partners who may contribute medical, nursing or technical expertise or facilitate access to customers is also essential in the design of the offering. In the field of diabetes, partnerships with pharmaceutical companies such as Roche or Novo Nordisk or with medtech manufacturers such as Roche Diabetes Care, Medtronic, Ypsomed or others make sense.

Premium offers can also be piloted and established in cooperation with health insurance companies. Partnerships with other players in the healthcare market that are uniquely specialized worldwide, such as the AO Foundation, the Nottwil Paraplegic Centre or the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport in Magglingen, also offer interesting options. Such disease-specific and needs-oriented models developed in partnership certainly have the potential to establish themselves both on the Swiss market and internationally thanks to their “Swissness”.